Which cleaning type are you?
Cleaning your BBQ grill and tools may not be the most exciting activity in your summer schedule, but if you plan to cook outdoors, it is a task that needs to be done. Cleaning the grill grates not only reduces the rust build-up, but also helps you achieve delicious BBQ results. Find out which cleaning type you are.
The environmentally conscious.
Vinegar is not only an ingredient in delicious salads. Environmentally conscious BBQ chefs use it when cleaning their BBQ grill.
There’s only a few simple steps to clean your BBQ grill with vinegar: Pour two cups of vinegar into a spray bottle and add two cups of water. Spray the water/vinegar solution on the grill racks, on both the top and bottom to saturate the grill. Let it dry for at least 10 minutes. While the grill dries, pour out any extra water/vinegar solution and refill the bottle with vinegar only. Now spray the vinegar on the foil and use it to scrub the grill's interior. No rinsing is required.
The old-school type.
If you asked them for advice on cleaning your BBQ grill, your grandparents would tell you that abrasive cleaning solution will do a great job.
Put a few drops of abrasive cleaning solution on a rough sponge and rub it into the racks of your grill. Leave the rack for at least 15 minutes and let the abrasive milk remove the dirt. Then wash the rack with clean water and repeat.
The timesaver.
Do you want to save time and effort when cleaning your BBQ grill? Then forget all the myths about your dishwasher being too abrasive for cleaning your grill grates. To optimally prepare it for the dishwasher, soak the grates in the sink and scrape off any large chunks before placing it in the lower rack. Use the Extrascrub option on your dishwasher to get the grates sparkling clean.
The professional BBQ chef.
Professional BBQ chefs know that cooking with high heat gives you a great advantage when cleaning your grill grate: Every time you fire up your grill, let the grate heat up over the new, intense heat for about five minutes. This will burn away any remnants of food. After that, a grill brush and a little elbow grease will easily take care of the rest. If you haven't already, you should invest in a good grill brush with a long handle and firm bristles or scouring pad. This will make this portion of grill care a cinch!
Good to go this BBQ season.
Use grill pans to avoid a dirty grill grate. Dip a wadded paper towel in a little oil and, using tongs, wipe the oil evenly over the grate – this way you avoid food sticking on the grill and leaving grill grates dirty.
No-gos during BBQ summer.
Never use harsh chemicals or high pressure cleaner and don’t use oven cleaner.
Explore the rest of our helpful tips on entertaining, cooking, and dishwashers.