Microwave: Removing smells – here’s how.

Microwave: Removing smells – here’s how.

If there’s a smell coming from your microwave, you should first check where it’s coming from. Is it a smoke smell? Then remove burnt-on grime and thoroughly clean your microwave with soapy water. If unpleasant smells continue to come from your microwave, repeat the process. The same process also applies to general microwave smells. If gentle cleaning and wiping with soapy water doesn’t help, please repeat the process. If that doesn’t cure the problem, please get in touch with our customer service department. You can call us on <CustSerPhoneNo> around the clock, 7 days a week. We’ll repair your microwave quickly, expertly and for a fair price. Call us now and find out more. We’ll help you further and ensure that your appliance soon works the way you expect.

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