What shouldn’t go in the microwave? – Bosch Home Appliances explains.

What shouldn’t go in the microwave? – Bosch Home Appliances explains.

You’ve got a microwave but you aren’t sure what you can heat or prepare in it? What shouldn’t go in the microwave are eggs and other foodstuffs with shells. The possibility of an explosion is too great. You must be careful with cherry stone pillows. These can overheat very quickly. The cherry stones then burn and give off an unpleasant smell. Your cherry stone pillow will become unusable. Please read the manufacturer’s instructions on how to warm the cherry stone pillow correctly. Equally, foodstuffs should not be put in the microwave for dehydrating. The microwave isn’t suitable for this. Instead, use a food dryer or dehydrator. Metal dishes and aluminium foil should not be used in the microwave. Sparks are produced and your microwave will be instantly damaged. Melamine should also not be put in the microwave as it tends to melt. Your melamine dishes will deform as a result and possibly become unusable. Honey be made liquid at suitable temperatures in the microwave. Cared for properly and by not putting anything in the microwave that doesn’t belong in it, you will enjoy your appliance for a long time. Because microwaves are very robust – regardless of how old they are. They don’t have a use-by date.

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